Field and classroom initiatives for portable sequence-based monitoring of dengue virus in Brazil

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ADELINO, Talita Emile Ribeiro
XAVIER, Joilson
ABREU, Alvaro Salgado de
NASCIMENTO, Valdinete Alves do
DEMARCHI, Luiz Henrique Ferraz
OLIVEIRA, Marluce Aparecida Assuncao
SILVA, Vinicius Lemes da
MELLO, Arabela Leal e Silva de
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.12, n.1, article ID 2296, 12p, 2021
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Brazil experienced a large dengue virus (DENV) epidemic in 2019, highlighting a continuous struggle with effective control and public health preparedness. Using Oxford Nanopore sequencing, we led field and classroom initiatives for the monitoring of DENV in Brazil, generating 227 novel genome sequences of DENV1-2 from 85 municipalities (2015-2019). This equated to an over 50% increase in the number of DENV genomes from Brazil available in public databases. Using both phylogenetic and epidemiological models we retrospectively reconstructed the recent transmission history of DENV1-2. Phylogenetic analysis revealed complex patterns of transmission, with both lineage co-circulation and replacement. We identified two lineages within the DENV2 BR-4 clade, for which we estimated the effective reproduction number and pattern of seasonality. Overall, the surveillance outputs and training initiative described here serve as a proof-of-concept for the utility of real-time portable sequencing for research and local capacity building in the genomic surveillance of emerging viruses. Here, the authors present results of the ZiBRA-2 project ( which is an arbovirus surveillance project, across the Midwest of Brazil using a mobile genomics laboratory, combined with a genomic surveillance training program that targeted post-graduate students, laboratory technicians, and health practitioners in universities and laboratories.
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