Aneurysm of the Fibular Vein: A Case Report

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ANNALS OF VASCULAR SURGERY, v.49, article ID 314.e1, 3p, 2018
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Background: Aneurysms of the deep veins of the lower limbs are rare and often asymptomatic. Although natural history is unclear, these aneurysms have been associated with deep venous thrombosis and fatal pulmonary embolism events. To our knowledge, this case represents the fifth patient with isolated aneurysm of a calf vein described in the literature and the second one affecting the fibular vein. Methods: We report the case of a 20-year-old white man with an aneurysm of the fibular vein that we believe is the second case in the literature Results: After evaluation and diagnosis, the aneurysm was resected with full recovery of the patient. Conclusions: Treatment of this unusual condition seems to be mandatory for major thromboembolic events can be as high as 71% with 2 deaths, according to a review of 24 patients with popliteal vein aneurysms. Unlike proximal veins, where reconstruction is advisable, calf vein aneurysms can be safely managed by simple excision and ligature. In our patient, aneurysm resection eliminated symptoms, and good result was maintained in long follow-up.
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