Nosocomial rapidly growing mycobacterial infections following laparoscopic surgery: CT imaging findings

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VOLPATO, Richard
HADAD, David Jamil
RIBEIRO, Flavya da Silva Souza
LEAL FILHO, Ezequiel
MARCAL, Leonardo P.
Autor de Grupo de pesquisa
EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY, v.25, n.9, p.2797-2804, 2015
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Objective To identify the distribution and frequency of computed tomography (CT) findings in patients with nosocomial rapidly growing mycobacterial (RGM) infection after laparoscopic surgery. Method A descriptive retrospective study in patients with RGM infection after laparoscopic surgery who underwent CT imaging prior to initiation of therapy. The images were analyzed by two radiologists in consensus, who evaluated the skin/subcutaneous tissues, the abdominal wall, and intraperitoneal region separately. The patterns of involvement were tabulated as: densification, collections, nodules (a parts per thousand yen1.0 cm), small nodules (< 1.0 cm), pseudocavitated nodules, and small pseudocavitated nodules. Results Twenty-six patients met the established criteria. The subcutaneous findings were: densification (88.5 %), small nodules (61.5 %), small pseudocavitated nodules (23.1 %), nodules (38.5 %), pseudocavitated nodules (15.4 %), and collections (26.9 %). The findings in the abdominal wall were: densification (61.5 %), pseudocavitated nodules (3.8 %), and collections (15.4 %). The intraperitoneal findings were: densification (46.1 %), small nodules (42.3 %), nodules (15.4 %), and collections (11.5 %). Conclusion Subcutaneous CT findings in descending order of frequency were: densification, small nodules, nodules, small pseudocavitated nodules, pseudocavitated nodules, and collections. The musculo-fascial plane CT findings were: densification, collections, and pseudocavitated nodules. The intraperitoneal CT findings were: densification, small nodules, nodules, and collections.
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