Cerebrospinal fluid approach on neuro-oncology

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ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA, v.71, n.9B, p.677-680, 2013
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Central nervous system (CNS) involvement is a major complication of haematological and solid tumors with an incidence that ranges from 10% in solid malignances up to 25% in specific leukaemia or lymphoma subtypes. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) patterns are unspecific. Though CSF cytology has a high specificity (up to 95%), its sensitivity is generally less than 50% and no diagnostic gold standard marker is available, yet. New technologies such as flow cytometry, molecular genetics and newer biomarkers may improve diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, leading to the CNS involvement diagnosis, and consequently, to an effective prophylaxis and successful treatment.
cerebrospinal fluid, biomarkers, leptomeningeal metastasis, neoplastic meningitis
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