Incidence, Duration, Persistence, and Factors Associated With High-risk Anal Human Papillomavirus Persistence Among HIV-negative Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Multinational Study

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SILVA, Roberto J. Carvalho da
CHANG, Mihyun
INGLES, Donna J.
LIN, Hui-Yi
Autor de Grupo de pesquisa
CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES, v.62, n.11, p.1367-1374, 2016
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Background. Given high rates of anal disease, we investigated the natural history of high-risk anal human papillomavirus (HPV) among a multinational group of men who have sex with men (MSM) aged 18-64 years. Methods. Anal specimens from human immunodeficiency virus-negative men from Brazil, Mexico, and the United States were genotyped. Over 2 years, 406 MSM provided evaluable specimens every 6 months for >= 2 visits. These men were stratified into men who have sex only with men (MSOM, n = 70) and men who have sex with women and men (MSWM, n = 336). Persistence was defined as >= 12 months' type-specific duration and could begin with either a prevalent or incident infection. Prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated by Poisson regression. Results. Median follow-up time was 2.1 years. Retention was 82%. Annual cumulative incidence of 9-valent vaccine types was 19% and 8% among MSOM and MSWM, respectively (log-rank P =.02). Duration of anal HPV did not differ for MSOM and MSWM and was a median of 6.9 months for HPV-16 after combining men from the 2 groups. Among men with prevalent high-risk infection (n = 106), a total of 36.8%, retained the infection for at least 24 months. For those with prevalent HPV-16 (n = 27), 29.6% were persistent for at least 24 months. Persistence of high-risk HPV was associated with number of male anal sex partners and inversely associated with number of female sex partners. Conclusions. MSM with prevalent high-risk HPV infection should be considered at increased risk for nontransient infection.
natural history, anal cancer, anal condyloma, HPV DNA, prospective
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