Cathelicidin LL-37 bloodstream surveillance is down regulated during septic shock

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MICROBES AND INFECTION, v.15, n.5, p.342-346, 2013
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Host defense peptides are ancient weapons of the innate immunity. The human cathelicidin LL-37 protects the epithelial barrier against infection and is constitutively secreted in the bloodstream by immune cells. Current knowledge claims that LL-37 is up regulated upon infection. LL-37 can protect against bacterial infections and possesses many immunomodulatory properties. Here, we show that the human host defense peptide LL-37 is down regulated during septic shock. Furthermore, we show that these effects are not related to vitamin D serum levels, a potent inducer of LL-37 gene expression, pointing out the complex regulation of cathelicidins during septic shock.
Cathelicidin, Vitamin D, Inflammation
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