One-Year Results of an Educational Program on Osteoarthritis: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial in Brazil

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Introduction: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is the most prevalent form of osteoarthritis. Low socioeconomic level, age, and obesity are directly correlated with the incidence of the disease. Education, exercise, and diet are the core recommendations of all KOA treatment guidelines. Objective: To evaluate the impact of a multiprofessional educational program on patients with KOA. Methods: Of a total of 198 participants, 150 patients with KOA attended 2 days of lectures (at 1- to 3-month intervals) and received educational material on osteoarthritis, and a control group (48 patients) received educational materials only. Body mass index (BMI), frequency, and intensity of physical activity, pain, function, and quality-of-life scores were assessed at baseline and at 4 and 12 months after the educational program. Bimonthly telephone calls were made to half of the participants. Correlations between BMI, level of education, coping skills, functional, and pain results was procured. Results: The groups were similar in terms of race, gender, affected side, and osteoarthritis severity. The results were not affected by the telephone calls or the patients' level of education. At baseline, 25 performed physical activity, whereas 123 performed at 1 year. Seventy-two (36.36%) patients decreased BMI (45 by 1 point and 27 by more than 2 points). There were some weak correlations such as BMI reduction with pain and functional improvements and with coping results. Significant improvements in function and quality of life were found at 4 months. Quality of life remained improved at 1 year. Conclusion: The effect of this educational program in function and quality of life of patients with KOA is very subtle. Interval between classes (1, 2, or 3 months) is not an important issue.
osteoarthritis, knee, education, quality of life, treatment outcome
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