beta-arrestin is critical for early shear stress-induced Akt/eNOS activation in human vascular endothelial cells

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Recent evidence suggests that beta-arrestins, which are involved in G protein-coupled receptors desensitization, may influence mechanotransduction. Here, we observed that nitric oxide (NO) production was abrogated in human saphenous vein endothelial cells (SVECs) transfected with siRNA against beta-arrestin 1 and 2 subjected to shear stress (SS, 15 dynes/cm2, 10 min). The downregulation of beta-arrestins 1/2 in SVECs cells also prevented the SS-induced rise in levels of phosphorylation of Akt and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS, Serine 1177). Interestingly, immunoprecipitation revealed that beta-arrestin interacts with Akt, eNOS and caveolin-1 and these interactions are not influenced by SS. Our data indicate that barrestins and Akt/eNOS downstream signaling are required for early SS-induced NO production in SVECs, which is consistent with the idea that beta-arrestins and caveolin-1 are part of a pre-assembled complex associated with the cellular mechanotransduction machinery.
beta-arrestin, Mechanotransduction, Shear stress, Nitric oxide, Endothelial cells
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