Baked milk tolerant patient: Is there any special feature?

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ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA, v.45, n.3, p.283-289, 2017
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Background: Determining whether patients with cow's milk allergy (CMA) can tolerate foods produced with baked milk could provide a better quality of life, a better prognosis, and an option for desensitization. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify which patients over four years of age with persistent CMA could tolerate baked milk, to compare the clinical and laboratory characteristics of reactive and non-reactive groups and to describe their clinical evolution. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted (January/13 to November/14) that included all the patients followed at a food allergy center who met the inclusion criteria. The patients underwent an oral food challenge (OFC) with a muffin (2.8 g of cow's milk protein). To exclude cow's milk (CM) tolerance, the patients were subsequently challenged with unheated CM. Results: Thirty patients met all the inclusion criteria. Fourteen patients (46.7%) were considered non-reactive to baked milk and reactive to unheated CM. When the groups that were reactive and non-reactive to baked milk were compared, no statistically significant differences in clinical features were found. The prick test for alpha-lactalbumin (p = 0.01) and casein (p = 0.004) and the serum specific IgE for casein (p = 0.05) presented statistical differences. After one year, none of the patients who were reactive to baked milk were ingesting CM, while 28% of the tolerant patients were consuming fresh CM (p= 0.037). Conclusions: Baked milk can be tolerated by patients with CMA, especially those with lower levels of casein and a-lactalbumin. This option can improve quality of life and accelerate tolerance.
Baked mil, Cow's milk allergy, Food allergy, Oral food challenge, Tolerance
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