ACE-modulated adiposity is related to higher energy expenditure and independent of lipolysis and glucose incorporation into lipids in adipocytes

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HIGA, Talita Sayuri
FERRAZ-DE-CAMPOS, Tarcila Beatriz
TORRES-LEAL, Francisco Leonardo
EVANGELISTA, Fabiana Sant'Anna
LIMA, Fabio Bessa
PHYSIOLOGICAL GENOMICS, v.49, n.12, p.712-721, 2017
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Emerging evidence suggests that both systemic and white adipose tissue-renin-angiotensin system components influence body weight control. We previously demonstrated that higher angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene expression is associated with lower body adiposity in a rodent model. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a higher ACE gene dosage reduces fat accumulation by increasing energy expenditure and modulating lipolysis and glucose incorporation into lipids in adipocytes. After a 12 wk follow-up period, transgenic mice harboring three ACE (3ACE) gene copies displayed diminished WAT mass, lipid content in their carcasses, adipocyte hypotrophy, and higher resting oxygen uptake (Vo(2) ) in comparison with animals with one ACE gene copy (1ACE) after long fasting (12 h). No differences were found in food intake and in the rates of lipolysis and glucose incorporation into lipids in adipocytes. To assess whether this response involves increased angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1R) activation. AT1R blocker (losartan) was used in a separate group of 3ACE mice with body weight and adiposity comparable to that in the other 3ACE animals. We suggest that fasting-induced lower adiposity observed in animals with 3ACE gene copies might be associated with a higher expense of energy reserves; this response did not involve AT1R activation.
ACE gene, adipose tissue, lipogenesis, lipolysis, energy expenditure
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