Acute exposure to diesel and sewage biodiesel exhaust causes pulmonary and systemic inflammation in mice

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SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, v.628-629, p.1223-1233, 2018
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Biodiesel is a renewable energy source that reduces particle emission, but few studies have assessed its effects. To assess the effects of acute inhalation of two doses (600 and 1200 mu g/m(3)) of diesel (DE) and biodiesel (BD) fuels on the inflammatory pulmonary and systemic profile of mice. Animals were exposed for 2 h in an inhalation chamber inside the Container Laboratory for Fuels. Heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV) and blood pressure were determined 30 min after exposure. After 24 h. we analyzed the lung inflammation using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF); neutrophil and macrophage quantification in the lung parenchyma was performed, and blood and bone marrow biomarkers as well as receptor of endothelin-A (ET-Ar), receptor of endothelin-B (ET-Br), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOs) and isoprostane (ISO) levels in the pulmonary vessels and bronchial epithelium were evaluated. HRV increased for BD600, D600 and D1200 compared to filtered air (FA). Both fuels (DE and BD) produced alterations in red blood cells independent of the dose. BALI from the BD600 and BD1200 groups showed an increase in neutrophils compared to those of the FA group. Numeric density of the polyrnorphonuclear and mononudear cells was elevated with BD600 compared to FA. In the peribronchiolar vessels, there was an increase in ET-Ar and ET-Br expression following BD600 compared to IA; and there was a reduction in the iNOs expression for BD1200 and the VCAM-1 for D1200 compared to FA. In the bronchial epithelium, there was an increase in ETAr at BD600, ET-Br at two doses (600 and 1200 mu g/m(3)) of DE and BD, iNOs at D600 and VCAM-1 at BD1200 and D600; all groups were compared to the FA group. Acute exposure to DE and BD derived from sewage methyl esters triggered pulmonary and cardiovascular inflammatory alterations in mice.
Diesel, Biodiesel, Particulate matter, Toxicity, Inflammation, Heart rate variability
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