Removal of Chylomicron Remnants from the Bloodstream is Delayed in Aged Subjects

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MESQUITA, Carlos H. de
VINAGRE, Juliana C.
MARIANI, Ana Carolina
Autor de Grupo de pesquisa
AGING AND DISEASE, v.9, n.4, p.748-754, 2018
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Dietary fats absorbed in the intestine are transported in the circulation as chylomicrons and remnants that have atherogenic potential. Although postprandial lipidemia is increased in older subjects, the specific chylomicron metabolism has not been explored in older subjects nor compared to young subjects, which is the focus of this study. After a 12 h fast, artificially-made emulsions similar to lymph chylomicrons and doubly labeled with radioactive cholesteryl esters and triglycerides were intravenously injected in 23 older (66 +/- 4 years) and 20 young (24 +/- 3 years) subjects. Sequential blood samples were collected to determine fractional clearance rates (FCR, in min(-1)) by compartmental analysis. Older subjects had higher LDL-cholesterol (p<0.001) and triglycerides (p<0.0001) than young subjects; HDL-cholesterol presented no difference. The emulsion cholesteryl-ester FCR was lower in older subjects compared to the young (p=0.0001). The emulsion triglyceride FCR did not differ in the two groups. Tested in vitro, however, the lipolysis of the emulsion triglycerides was less intense in the older than in the young subjects. As delayed removal of remnants, indicated by the pronouncedly smaller cholesteryl ester FCR, is related to the presence of cardiovascular diseases, this can be a risk factor which could accelerate atherogenic complications occurring in aged subjects
Aging and atherosclerosis, chylomicron remnants, cholesterol and aging, triglyceride, emulsions
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