Smoking cessation treatment outcomes among people with and without mental and substance use disorders: An observational real-world study

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LORETO, Aline Rodrigues
GUIMARAES-PEREIRA, Bruna Beatriz Sales
CARVALHO, Carlos Felipe Cavalcanti
GIL, Felipe
FRALLONARDO, Fernanda Piotto
ISMAEL, Flavia
RICHTER, Kimber P.
Autor de Grupo de pesquisa
EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY, v.52, p.22-28, 2018
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Background: There is a lack of studies evaluating smoking cessation treatment protocols which include people with and without mental and substance use disorders (MSUD), and which allows for individuals with MSUD undergoing their psychiatric treatment. Methods: We compared treatment success between participants with (n = 277) and without (n = 419) MSUD among patients in a 6-week treatment provided by a Brazilian Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) from 2007 to 2013. Sociodemographic, medical and tobacco use characteristics were assessed at baseline. Tobacco treatment consisted of 1) group cognitive behavior therapy, which included people with and without MSUD in the same groups, and 2) pharmacotherapy, which could include either nicotine patches, nicotine gum, bupropion or nortriptyline. For participants with MSUD, tobacco treatment was integrated into their ongoing mental health treatment. The main outcome was 30-day point prevalence abstinence, measured at last day of treatment. Results: Abstinence rates did not differ significantly between participants with and without MSUD (31.1% and 34.4%, respectively). Variables that were significantly associated with treatment success included years smoking, the Heaviness of Smoking Index, and use of nicotine patch or bupropion. Conclusion: The inclusion of individuals with and without MSUD in the same protocol, allowing for individuals with MSUD undergoing their psychiatric treatment, generates at least comparable success rates between the groups. Predictors of treatment success were similar to those found in the general population. Facilities that treat patients with MSUD should treat tobacco use in order to reduce the disparities in morbidity and mortality experienced by this population.
Smoking, Tobacco, Treatment, Mental health, Substance use disorders
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