Biased Agonist TRV027 Determinants in AT1R by Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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MODESTIA, Silvestre Massimo
TROSSINI, Gustavo Henrique Goulart
RANGEL-YAGUI, Carlota de Oliveira
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Functional selectivity is a phenomenon observed in G protein-coupled receptors in which intermediate active-state conformations are stabilized by mutations or ligand binding, resulting in different sets of signaling pathways. Peptides capable of selectively activating beta-arrestin, known as biased agonists, have already been characterized in vivo and could correspond to a new therapeutic approach for treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Despite the potential of biased agonism, the mechanism involved in selective signaling remains unclear. In this work, molecular dynamics simulations were employed to compare the conformational profile of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) crystal bound to angiotensin II, bound to the biased ligand TRV027, and in the apo form. Our results show that both ligands induce changes near the NPxxY motif in transmembrane domain 7 that are related to receptor activation. However, the biased ligand does not cause the rotamer toggle alternative positioning and displays an exclusive hydrogen-bonding pattern. Our work sheds light on the biased agonism mechanism and will help in the future design of novel biased agonists for AT1R.
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