IgG reactivity with 40-35 kDa soluble and membrane antigen of Strongyloides venezuelensis in immunocompromised patients

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ACTA TROPICA, v.190, p.357-360, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Immunocompromised patients constitute a risk group for the development of severe clinical forms of human strongyloidiasis. The diagnosis of this infection is primarily performed by parasitological techniques, but with low sensitivity. Serological techniques appear as an alternative, especially with heterologous antigens use. The aim of this study was to perform the Western blot technique by using S. venezuelensis infective third stage larva (iL3) soluble (TS) and membrane (TM) saline antigens to reveal immunoreactive bands in immunocompromised patients with strongyloidiasis. Serum samples from 117 parasitologically well-characterized patients were divided into four groups: S. stercoralis positive and immunocompetent (S + IC); S. stercoralis positive and immunocompromised (S + IP); negative and immunocompetent (S-IC); negative and immunocompromised (S-IP). A 40-35 kDa band was recognized by 100% of patients in the S + IC group in both antigenic fractions, and by 62.5% and 50% in the S + IP group using the TS and TM fractions, respectively. A 29 kDa band was recognized by 86.3% and 72.7% (for TS and TM, respectively) of patients in the S + IC group, and only by 12.5% of patients in the S + IP group on the TM antigen. Regardless of the patients' immunological condition, the 40-35 kDa band from S. venezuelensis was detected more frequently and can be used as an important marker to the immunodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis.
Strongyloides venezuelensis, 40-35 kDa band, Immunocompromised patients
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