Adverse Drug Reaction not yet Described in the Scientific Literature (Case Report): Facial Hyperpigmentation Due to Use of Polymyxin B

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DRUG SAFETY, v.35, n.10, p.921-921, 2012
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Introduction: Polymyxin B has been used for treatment of surgical infectious complications, especially osteomyelitis caused by Acinelohacter baumannii1. Osteomyelitis is a condition which refers to an infection of the bone and it may be caused by different factors; these include underlying health conditions, injury to the bone or an infection that spread from the blood and causes damage to the bone2,3. Aim: To report an adverse reaction not described in the scientific literature with the medicine polymyxin B injection. Description: It was an observational study of the patient KMK, female, 70 years old, who has insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and labyrinthitis. She was admitted to the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo (HU/USP) for repair the distal left femur fracture and underwent reoperations due to various infectious complications in the surgical site. Thus, it was prescribed polymyxin B at a dosage of 350 000IU, intravenous 12/I2h (started on the 17th February 2012) for Acinetobacler baumannii revealed in bone fragment (11th February 2012). Results: After 7 days of treatment (24th February 2012) with polymyxin B, the patient presented with dermatitis, especially in the face. Further, in the patient's medical report it was described as hyperpigmentation from 28th February 2012. To treat this condition, it was prescribed betamethasone cream twice a day and the replaced by hydrocortisone cream twice a day. The diagnostic hypothesis of hyperpigmentation is related to the use of polymyxin B. There was no interruption during the hospitalization period. On March 30th 2012, she was discharged from the hospital with prescription of polymyxin B and teicoplanin. The patient remains with hyperpigmentation on her face, with injury, and she has been assisted at our ambulatory. Antibiotic therapy is planned to last more six months. Conclusions: We can infer that it was the first time that such adverse drug reaction was described. It is very important to alert the scientific community to the possibility of hyperpigmentation caused the use of polymyxin B. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism that triggers this process of hyperpigmentation as well as the adoption of measures for the detection, control and treatment.
  1. Carvalho Vladimir Cordeiro de, 2012, Braz J Infect Dis, V16, P63
  2. Elias LS, 2010, J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH, V65, P2231, DOI 10.1093/jac/dkq285
  3. Knueppel RC, 2007, CLIN INFECT DIS, V45, P136, DOI 10.1086/520486