Novel fibronectin mutations and expansion of the phenotype in spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with ""corner fractures""

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VALTA, Helena
BARATANG, Nissan Vida
YAP, Patrick
CHEN, Jiani
FANNING, Elizabeth A.
BONE, v.121, p.163-171, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Heterozygous pathogenic variants in the FN1 gene, encoding fibronectin (FN), have recently been shown to be associated with a skeletal disorder in some individuals affected by spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with ""corner fractures"" (SMD-CF). The most striking feature characterizing SMD-CF is irregularly shaped metaphyses giving the appearance of ""corner fractures"". An array of secondary features, including developmental coxa vara, ovoid vertebral bodies and severe scoliosis, may also be present. FN is an important extracellular matrix component for bone and cartilage development. Here we report five patients affected by this subtype of SMD-CF caused by five novel FN1 missense mutations: p.Cys123Tyr, p.Cys169Tyr, p.Cys213Tyr, p.Cys23ITrp and p.Cys258Tyr. All individuals shared a substitution of a cysteine residue, disrupting disulfide bonds in the FN type-I assembly domains located in the N-terminal assembly region. The abnormal metaphyseal ossification and ""corner fracture"" appearances were the most remarkable clinical feature in these patients. In addition, generalized skeletal fragility with low-trauma bilateral femoral fractures was identified in one patient. Interestingly, the distal femoral changes in this patient healed with skeletal maturation. Our report expands the phenotypic and genetic spectrum of the FN1-related SMD-CF and emphasizes the importance of FN in bone formation and possibly also in the maintenance of bone strength.
FN1, Fibronectin, Skeletal dysplasia, Corner-fracture, Coxa vara, Mutation
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