Consensus on the investigation of thrombophilia in women and clinical management

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NASCIMENTO, Claudia Mac Donald Bley
MACHADO, Andrea Maria Novaes
GUERRA, Joao Carlos de Campos
ZLOTNIK, Eduardo
CAMPELO, Dirceu Hamilton Cordeiro
Autor de Grupo de pesquisa
EINSTEIN-SAO PAULO, v.17, n.3, article ID UNSP eAE4510, 7p, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Objective: To standardize the investigation and clinical management of women with laboratory and/or clinical abnormalities suggestive of thrombophilia, in order to optimize antithrombotic approach and indication of laboratory tests. Methodology: A discussion was carried out among 107 physicians (gynecologists/obstetricians, hematologists and vascular surgeons) present at a forum held at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, in Sao Paulo (SP), Brazil. As a minimum criterion, 80% agreement was established in the voting to each recommendation of conduct in the final document. The cases in which there was agreement below 80% were discussed again, reaching a consensual agreement of conduct for the document writing. Conclusion: The standardization of an institutional consensus of suggestions of clinical approach contributes to a better management of the group to be evaluated and minimizes risks of intercurrent events. This was the first national consensus on the investigation of thrombophilia in women.
Thrombophilia, Antiphospholipid syndrome, Venous thromboembolism, Pregnancy, Abortion, habitual, Pregnancy complications, Contraception, Venous thrombosis
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