Effect of maternal periodontitis on GLUT4 and inflammatory pathway in adult offspring

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MATTERA, Maria Sara de Lima Coutinho
CHIBA, Fernando Yamamoto
LOPES, Flavia Lombardi
TSOSURA, Thais Veronica Saori
BRITO, Victor Gustavo Balera
OLIVEIRA, Sandra Helena Penha de
PEREIRA, Renato Felipe
MARANI, Fernando
SANTOS, Rodrigo Martins dos
JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, v.90, n.8, p.884-893, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Background Maternal periodontal disease leads to low birth weight (LBW), insulin resistance (IR), increased TNF-alpha levels, and alterations in insulin signaling in adult offspring. TNF-alpha has been associated with the stimulation of IKK beta/NF-kappa B, resulting in the decreased expression of GLUT4. Another mechanism that may be involved in decreasing GLUT4 expression is DNA methylation. This study aimed to evaluate in the adult offspring of rats with periodontal disease: IR, inflammatory pathways, DNA methylation, and expression of GLUT4. Methods Female Wistar rats were distributed into control and experimental periodontal disease groups. Seven days after induction of periodontal disease, both groups were mated with healthy male rats. After weaning, male offspring were distributed into control offspring (CN-o) and periodontal disease offspring (PED-o) groups. Body weights were measured from 0-75 days of age. At day 75, the following were measured in the offspring: IR (HOMA-IR index); TNF-alpha and NF-kappa Bp65 content in the gastrocnemius muscle (GM) by western blotting; IKK alpha/beta, JNK, ERK 1/2, NF-kappa Bp65, and NF-kappa Bp50 phosphorylation status in the GM by western blotting; DNA methylation by restriction digest and real-time PCR(qAMP); and expression of GLUT4 mRNA in the GM by real-time PCR. Results LBW, IR, increases in TNF-alpha, IKK alpha/beta, ERK 1/2, NF-kappa Bp65, and NF-kappa Bp50 decreased expression of GLUT4 mRNA were observed in the PED-o rats. No differences were identified in JNK phosphorylation status and DNA methylation in the evaluated regions of the GLUT4-encoding gene Slc2a4. Conclusion Maternal periodontal disease causes LBW, IR, activation of inflammatory pathways, and decreased GLUT4 expression in the GM of adult offspring.
diabetes mellitus, DNA methylation, glucose transporter type 4, low birth weight, periodontal diseases, tumor necrosis factor-alpha
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