Surgical Management of Malignant Intestinal Obstruction: Outcome and Prognostic Factors

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CHIRURGIA, v.114, n.3, p.343-351, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Background:Malignant intestinal obstruction is a frequent complication in advanced stages cancer patients. The prognosis is poor, with mean survival rate beneath 3 months. Clinical treatment, endoscopic or surgical procedures are options for malignant intestinal obstruction management. There is no generally accepted management strategy. Objectives: To evaluate prognostic factors of patients with malignant intestinal obstruction who underwent surgical treatment. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed including patients of a single institution with diagnosis of malignant intestinal obstruction. Demographic data, in-hospital stay, postoperative complications, and overall survival were assessed. Logistic regression was used to evaluate associated prognostic factors. Results: Two hundred thirty-three surgeries were performed due to suspicion for malignant intestinal obstruction over a seven-year period. This diagnosis was confirmed in 210 operations (90.1%). The main causes of malignant obstruction were colorectal (49.5%) and gynecological cancer (21.9%). The rate of severe complications was 11.42%. In-hospital mortality rate was 40.95% (CI 95%: 34.16-47.74%). Functional status impairment,high serum urea, and low albumin levels were associated to higher mortality rate. Conclusion: Malignant intestinal obstruction implies poor prognosis, with high in-hospital mortality rate and severe postoperative complications. The decision regarding management of malignant intestinal obstruction must be multimodal and individualized, according to individual prognostic factors.
intestinal obstruction, ascitic fluid, peritoneal neoplasms, palliative care
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