Can ultrasound be used as an adjunct for tube thoracostomy? A systematic review of potential application to reduce procedure-related complications

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Background: chest tube insertions are commonly performed in various scenarios. Although frequent, these procedures result in a significant complication rate, especially in the acute care setting. Ultrasonography has been incorporated to interventional procedures aiming to reduce the incidence of complications. However, little is known about the applications of ultrasound in tube thoracostomies. The aim of this systematic review is to present the potential applications of ultrasonography as an adjunct to the procedure. Methods: we searched Medline/Pubmed, EMBASE and Scopus databases. Out of 3012 articles, we selected 19 for further analysis. Thirteen of those were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Ultimately, 6 articles were thoroughly evaluated and included in the review. Results: The included articles show that ultrasound can be used to correctly identify a safe insertion site, to accurately find a vulnerable intercostal artery, and is reliable for timely diagnosis of drain malpositioning. Conclusion: this systematic review highlights the potential benefits of incorporating ultrasonography in tube thoracostomies. No randomized clinical trials are available. However, it is reasonable to assume that proper use of ultrasound may reduce procedure-related complications.
Ultrasonography, Chest tubes, Intraoperative complications, Thoracostomy
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