Effects of the serine protease inhibitor rBmTI-A in an experimental mouse model of chronic allergic pulmonary inflammation

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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.9, article ID 12624, 13p, 2019
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To evaluate whether a recombinant serine protease inhibitor (rBmTI-A) modulates inflammation in an experimental model of chronic allergic lung inflammation. Balb/c mice were divided into four groups: SAL (saline), OVA (sensitized with ovalbumin), SAL + rBmTI-A (control treated with rBmTI-A) and OVA + rBmTI-A (sensitized with ovalbumin and treated with rBmTI-A). The animals received an intraperitoneal injection of saline or ovalbumin, according to the group. The groups received inhalation with saline or ovalbumin and were treated with rBmTI-A or saline by nasal instillation. After 29 days, we evaluated the respiratory mechanics; bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF); cytokines; MMP-9, TIMP-1; eosinophils; collagen and elastic fibre expression in the airways; and the trypsin-like, MMP-1, and MMP-9 lung tissue proteolytic activity. Treatment with rBmTI-A reduced the trypsin-like proteolytic activity, the elastance and resistance maximum response, the polymorphonuclear cells, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-17A in the BALF, the expression of IL-5, IL-13, IL-17, CD4+, MMP-9, TIM P-1, eosinophils, collagen and elastic fibres in the airways of the OVA + rBmTI-A group compared to the OVA group (p < 0.05). rBmTI-A attenuated bronchial hyperresponsiveness, inflammation and remodelling in this experimental model of chronic allergic pulmonary inflammation. This inhibitor may serve as a potential therapeutic tool for asthma treatment.
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