Rehabilitation technology for self-care: Customised foot and ankle exercise software for people with diabetes

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PLOS ONE, v.14, n.6, article ID e0218560, 15p, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Aims To develop and validate the content of a free web-based software (desktop and mobile applications) for the self-management of and customised foot-ankle exercises for people with diabetes and diabetic neuropathy. Methods The development of the programme was based on gamification principles and addressed three main areas: foot care recommendations; self-assessment of feet according to the main complications of diabetic neuropathy; and customised foot-ankle exercises to strengthen muscles, increase the range of motion and improve functionality. The content was validated using the Delphi methodology and a quantitative approach in two rounds with diabetes specialists (n = 9) and users with diabetes (n = 20). A 70% approval rate was considered sufficient in the second round for final validation purposes. The data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, absolute and relative frequencies and the content-validity index (CVI). Results Among specialists, the CVI was 0.812 after the first round, and final approval was 100% after the second round. Among users, the CVI was 0.902 in the first round, and the final approval was 97%. Conclusion This free access web software was developed based on the high agreement rating between specialists and users and has the potential to prevent complications arising from diabetic polyneuropathy. It allows for self-monitoring and promotes personalised exercises, following a preventive model that can be applied in primary and secondary care services as a complementary treatment for chronic complications. However, further steps to validate the software in a larger population are recommended.
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