Prevalence of common mental disorders and associated factors in urban residents of Sao Paulo, Brazil

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SANTOS, Gustavo de Brito Venancio dos
ALVES, Maria Cecilia Goi Porto
CESAR, Chester Luiz Galvao
GIANINI, Reinaldo Jose
CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA, v.35, n.11, article ID e00236318, 10p, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Studies in developing countries report a steady increase in mental disorders, with major social and economic repercussions. The current study proposes to analyze the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMDs) and associated factors in urban residents of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Based on data collected in the Health Survey in Sao Paulo City (ISA-Capital) in 2015, the study identified the presence of CMDs using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). The association of CMDs with sociodemographic variables and health conditions was analyzed as relative frequency, corrected by the respective weights resulting from cluster sampling, estimating the prevalence and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) and assessing the association's significance by the chisquare test, corrected by the F distribution. Prevalence of CMDs was 19.7% (95%CI: 18.2- 21.4), higher in women (24.3%); persons 60 years or older (25.3%); followers of the African-Brazilian umbanda or candomble religions (37.8%); widows/widowers (30.4%); individuals that had never attended school (31.4%); unemployed (28.3%); those with family income up to one minimum wage (28.8%); individuals that reported illness in the previous 15 days (36.9%); those with physical disabilities (21.6%); mental or intellectual disabilities (44.4%); emotional or mental problems (48.9%); headache (33.63%); and individuals with one or more chronic diseases (24.1%). The information in this study reaffirms the relevance of the prevalence of CMDs and their association with the most vulnerable social groups, corroborating the need to implement public measures in mental health.
Mental Disorders, Mental Health, Health Surveys
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