Livros e Capítulos de Livros - LIM/15

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A coleção de Livros e Capítulos de Livros reúne capítulos e resumos de obras produzidas por autores do sistema FMUSP-HC que inclui a Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), o Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP e demais institutos associados.


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  • bookPart
    Exame do líquor nas doenças infecciosas
    (2021) GOMES, Hélio Rodrigues
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    (2021) GOMES, Hélio Rodrigues; MACHADO, Luís dos Ramos; SANTOS, Germana Titoneli dos; LUCATTO, Leandro
  • bookPart 3 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    University educated man with childish behavior
    (2011) NITRINI, R.; CAIXETA, L.
    A 39-year-old man, a human resource executive, was seen at the outpatient clinic of the Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Unit of the Hospital das Clínicas, a public university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. His wife reported that about 4 years before, she noticed that he was manifesting mild behavioral and personality changes characterized by irritability, a tendency for social withdrawal, together with a more rancorous and even mean personality trait. Progressively, he gave up drinking alcohol, which he used to consume in moderate amounts, and libido became extremely reduced. Then he started to complain of difficulties in his professional activities and to manifest obsessive-compulsive behaviors such as to demand for perfectly ironed clothes or to soap his body several times during bathing. He had an acute and rapidly reversible episode of paralysis of his legs and right arm. After a few months, he had another similar episode involving only the right side of the body, including face. He was seen by physicians and after several tests the diagnosis of probable viral meningitis was undertaken. Test for HIV-1 infection was reported to be negative. He was dismissed from his job because he could not handle it any more. Ginkgo biloba and HydergineR were prescribed. His behavior deteriorated to a more childish one with frequent cries when his demands were not immediately fulfilled. Although he had had the old habit of speaking aloud about his problems, this trait became very much increased and associated with intense gesticulations. More recently, his wife also noticed a decrease of his memory. The patient complained of lack of concentration and difficulties in organizing his activities. General history University educated man with no other medical problem. © Cambridge University Press 2011.
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    Sequenciamento em larga escala: impactos em oncologia
    (2017) OBA-SHINJO, Sueli Mieko; MARIE, Suely Kazue Nagahashi
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    Infecções do SNC no imunocompetente
    (2017) MACHADO, Luís dos Ramos
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    Acidente vascular cerebral (AVC)
    (2023) CONFORTO, Adriana Bastos; WELLING, Leonardo C.; FIGUEIREDO, Eberval Gadelha
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    (2023) MACHADO, Luis dos Ramos; LIVRAMENTO, José Antonio; VIANNA, Liliana Scaff; OLIVEIRA, Vitor Falcão de; NUNES, Maria do PatrocínioTenório
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    Análise do exame do líquido cefalorraquiano (LCR)
    (2023) SANTOS, Tarcizio Brito; CASELLA, Beatriz Borba; CASELLA, Erasmo Barbante; GOMES, Hélio Rodrigues
  • bookPart 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Non-invasive brain stimulation in post-stroke Aphasia rehabilitationand language research
    (2021) MENDONçA, L. I. Z. de; CONFORTO, A. B.
    Aphasia is significant impairment of stroke that has a major impact on quality of life. The results of speech and language therapy are often limited. Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) has been proposed as an add-on intervention to aphasia treatment. This chapter focuses on the use of NIBS in language research as well as in post-stroke aphasia research and rehabilitation. © 2021 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
  • bookPart 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Prion Diseases
    (2012) TAKADA, L. T.; GESCHWIND, M. D.
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    Eletroneuromiografia: o que o neurologista geral deve saber?
    (2020) CAVALCANTE, Wagner Cid Palmeira; GRATIVVOL, Ronnyson Susano; HEISE, Carlos Otto
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    O que dizem os grandes ensaios clínicos recentes em neurologia vascular?
    (2020) PELLEGRINO, Mateus Paquesse; FERREIRA, Felipe Moreira; VIANA, Lorena Souza; CONFORTO, Adriana Bastos
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    (2020) NITRINI, Ricardo; CASTRO, Luiz Henrique Martins; KUBOTA, Gabriel Taricani; FORTINI, Ida; CALDERARO, Marcelo; GONçALVES, Marcia Rubia Rodrigues; HADDAD, Mônica Santoro; ADONI, Tarso
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    Bateria breve de rastreio cognitivo
    (2018) BRUCKI, Sonia Maria Dozzi; NITRINI, Ricardo
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    Afecções das raízes, plexos e nervos
    (2021) GUSHI, Renam Seikitsi; HEISE, Carlos Otto
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    Neuropatias hereditárias
    (2021) GRATIVVOL, Ronnyson Susano; GRATIVVOL, Letícia Prandi Barbarioli; HEISE, Carlos Otto
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    (2021) HEISE, Carlos Otto