LIM/23 - Laboratório de Psicopatologia e Terapêutica Psiquiátrica

O Laboratório de Psicopatologia e Terapêutica Psiquiátrica é ligado ao Departamento de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP).

Linhas de pesquisa: aspectos psicossociais dos transtornos mentais; epidemiologia dos transtornos mentais; epidemiologia psiquiátrica; metabolismo do glóbulo vermelho; personalidade; psicofarmacologia clínica; psicofisiologia clínica; psicometria; transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e outros transtornos ansiosos na infância e adolescência.

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Recent Submissions

  1. Age of onset and cumulative risk of mental disorders: a cross-national analysis of population surveys from 29 countries

    THE LANCET PSYCHIATRY, v.10, n.9, p.668-681, 2023

    Background: Information on the frequency and timing of mental disorder onsets across the lifespan is of fundamental importance for public health planning. Broad, cross-national estimates of this information from coordinated general population surveys were last updated in 2007. We aimed to provide...

  2. A systematic review of pharmacological treatments for Internet Gaming Disorder

    JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS, v.12, suppl.1, p.286-286, 2023

  3. Betting onset, sex and gambling trajectories: Exploring subgroups of Gambling Disorder

    JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS, v.12, suppl.1, p.302-302, 2023

  4. Impulse control disorder and addictive behaviors in compulsive buying disorder patients within and without the bipolar spectrum

    JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS, v.12, suppl.1, p.347-347, 2023

  5. A transdiagnostic model of impulsive dimensions based on clinical reality - The ACEDA model

    JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS, v.12, suppl.1, p.343-343, 2023

  6. An exploratory factor analysis of multiple addictive behaviors in a large sample of individuals seeking treatment for behavioral addictions and impulse control disorders

    JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS, v.12, suppl.1, p.344-344, 2023

  7. Spatial Normalization Discrepancies Between Native and MNI152 Brain Template Scans in Gamma Ventral Capsulotomy Patients

    BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, v.93, n.9, suppl.S, p.S101-S102, 2023

  8. Evaluation of clinical and occupational factors, psychosocial support and access to the primary network for planning the outpatient discharge of patients from an impulse control disorders psychiatric service

    JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS, v.12, suppl.1, p.353-353, 2023

  9. Longitudinal Description and Prediction of Smoking Among Borderline Patients: An 18 Year Follow-Up Study

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY, v.84, n.6, article ID 22m14756, 7p, 2023

    Objective: The objectives of this study were (1) to compare smoking between recovered and non-recovered patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) over the course of 18 years and (2) to assess baseline predictors of tobacco use in patients with BPD. Methods: A total of 264 borderline pat...

  10. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Item Pairing Predictiveness for Prescreening Depressive Symptomatology: Machine Learning Analysis

    JMIR MENTAL HEALTH, v.10, article ID e48444, 19p, 2023

    Background: Anhedonia and depressed mood are considered the cardinal symptoms of major depressive disorder. These are the first 2 items of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 and comprise the ultrabrief PHQ-2 used for prescreening depressive symptomatology. The prescreening performance of al...