Livros e Capítulos de Livros - LIM/24

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A coleção de Livros e Capítulos de Livros reúne capítulos e resumos de obras produzidas por autores do sistema FMUSP-HC que inclui a Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), o Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP e demais institutos associados.


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  • book
    Manual de oncologia torácica
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    Atuação do médico geriatra
    (2016) CAMPOLINA, Alessandro Gonçalves; SIMIãO, Haládia Pessotti de Campos
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    Sítios primários mais frequentes: metástases pulmonares: sarcomas
    (2022) MUNHOZ, Rodrigo; ARRAES, Amanda Jordão de Castro; VIANNA, Sylvana
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    Pâncreas exócrino
    (2022) ALVES, Venancio Avancini Ferreira; SEGATELLI, Vanderlei; CLARO, Laura Carolina López; MELLO, Evandro Sobroza de
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    Fígado e vias biliares
    (2022) ALVES, Venancio Avancini Ferreira; MELLO, Evandro Sobroza de
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    Epidemiologia do câncer de pulmão: visão do oncologista: ocidente versus oriente
    (2022) CASTRO JUNIOR, Gilberto de; MACHADO, Maria Cecília Mathias; YEN, Cheng Tzu
  • bookPart 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Oncology and Hematology in the ICU
    (2022) NASCIMENTO, R. G. Do; PAULA, N. A. B. Garrido de; CONCEIçãO, M. Ferreira; BASTOS, D. R. De; CERQUEIRA, D. De Oliveira
    In the coming years, accelerated progress against oncologic and hematologic diseases will be associated with a greater number of patients requiring life support therapies. In this chapter, we seek to highlight recent changes in the use and outcomes of intensive care in onco-hematologic patients. In recent decades, we have shown a substantial increase in our understanding of organ dysfunctions in the population of patients with solid and hematological malignancies, in the more appropriate use of life support therapies and in the selection of new and better therapeutic approaches that have been increasing survival of these patients. While reading this chapter, the reader is expected to reflect on the daily management of critically ill onco-hematological patients, from the management of toxicity to palliative care, and to understand the role and importance of the pharmacist within the field of oncology among critically ill patients. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.
  • bookPart 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    PET/CT in soft tissue sarcomas
    Soft tissue sarcomas are a diverse group of rare malignant tumors of mesenchymal origin. Clinical diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma poses a dilemma since the differentiation of a benign from a malignant lesion might be challenging. In addition to the risk of local relapse, these tumors may metastasize, mainly to the lungs, but also to other tissues, and evaluation of the extent of disease and subsequent response to therapy may be difficult. Following local or systemic therapies, tumor fibrosis might occur and can be confounded with viable tumor tissue. FDG PET/CT is a molecular imaging modality that uses the tumor metabolism to evaluate aggressiveness, the extent of disease, treatment response, and differentiation of benign from malignant lesions. This chapter will discuss the potential added value of FDG PET/CT in soft tissue sarcomas. © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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    FDG PET/CT in bone sarcomas
    Bone sarcomas are a rare and diverse group of malignant neoplasms composed by entities with distinct presentations, clinical courses and therapeutic approaches. Although bone sarcomas may affect all age groups, these tumors exhibit a bimodal distribution, with higher incidences in children and in the elderly. Imaging exams are a crucial step for an adequate evaluation of bone sarcomas and mandatory for treatment planning, and provide invaluable information regarding disease extent, prognostic information, treatment response, and disease relapse.Whole-body FDG PET/CT imaging may be a part of the diagnostic work-up of bone sarcomas. FDG PET/CT combines, in a single study, morphologic and metabolic information that may alter treatment strategies, help guide or avoid unnecessary biopsies, stage patients, determine the degree of tumor necrosis following neoadjuvant chemotherapy, detect local recurrence, and provide important prognostic information. This article will discuss the current and potential roles of FDG PET/CT in osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, giant cell bone tumor, and chordoma. © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Gastrointestinal Surgery
    (2022) TAKEDA, F. R.; JUNIOR, U. R.; MAKDISSI, F. F.; MACHADO, M. A.; MARQUES, C. F. S.; NAHAS, C. S. R.; PINTO, R. A.; NAHAS, S. C.
    Esophageal and gastric cancer surgical treatment still represents a challenge in the curative-intent treatment. The neoadjuvant treatment plays a vital role in downstaging tumors since most of them are advanced tumors, improving overall survival, disease-free survival, and outcomes. Vascular procedures are required in local-regional tumoral invasions, and most tumors are in palliative conditions. Pancreatic and liver tumors, even the small ones, can also affect vessels, requiring vascular reconstruction in selected patients. Colorectal neoplasms rarely cause direct invasion of trunk vessels. Vascular intraoperative complications are mostly related to advanced stages tumors - and not its histopathology. This chapter discusses the main types of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and the most frequent complications associated with the vascular system. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.
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    Par-4 in apoptosis during human salivary gland development and tumorigenesis
    (2022) COUTINHO-CAMILLO, C. M.; GOMES, A. N. de Mello; PAULA, F. D.; NAGAI, M. A.; LOURENCO, S. V.
    Human salivary glands (SGs) are complex structures comprising a system of ducts and acini formed in gradual stages termed the prebud, initial bud, pseudoglandular, canalicular, and terminal bud. This process involves growth, proliferation, differentiation, migration, and cell death. Studies in human specimens and in vitro models have demonstrated that apoptosis seems to be important not only during the early developmental stages of the salivary glands, but also contributes to the tumorigenic process and impacts the patient's treatment. Therefore, the screening of proteins associated with apoptosis might contribute to the development of different strategies focusing on cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and target therapies. The prostate apoptosis response-4 (PAR-4) is a 38 kDa protein encoded by the PAWR gene (PKC apoptosis WT1 regulator) that is ubiquitously expressed in different tissues and plays a role in both the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways. This chapter explores the current knowledge on the expression of Par-4 during human salivary gland development and in the most frequent salivary gland tumors (benign: pleomorphic adenoma and malignant: adenoid cystic carcinoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma). In addition to the application of Par-4 as a tumor prognostic marker, the use of targeted therapies against Par-4 is increasingly considered as an important strategy for cancer treatment. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. All rights reserved.
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    Head and Neck Surgery
    (2022) SANTOS, A. B. dos; KOWALSKI, L. P.; KöHLER, H. F.; GOLDENBERG, D. C.; TOLEDO, R. N. de; CARVALHO, A. Y. de
    Head and neck region is very rich in vascular structures and a site for every incident of malignant neoplasms with potential to nodal metastasis in the carotid sheath that, when operated, may require complex vascular reconstruction with potential morbid complications, especially in salvage surgery. But the region can also be affected by complex benignant neoplasms that may require concomitant endovascular and open approaches for proper treatment, besides the complexity of surrounding anatomical structures, and life-threatening bleeding events. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.
  • bookPart
    Aconselhamento genético em gastroenterologia
    (2017) DIZ, Maria Del Pilar Estevez; GOMY, Israel; COTTI, Guilherme Cutait de Castro; GOUVêA, Ana Carolina Ribeiro Chaves de
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    Pesquisa clínica no Brasil: avanços e entraves
    (2017) ARAI, Roberto Jun; PUPO, Debora; LONGO, Elaine; RIECHELMANN, Rachel
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    Bases moleculares da carcinogênese gástrica
    (2017) RIBEIRO JUNIOR, Ulysses; SAFATLE-RIBEIRO, Adriana Vaz; PASINI, Fátima Solange
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    Terapia molecular em tumores gastrintestinais
    (2017) SCARANTI, Mariana; BRAGHIROLI, Maria Ignez; HOFF, Paulo Marcelo Gehm
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    (2017) UNO, Miyuki; CHAMMAS, Roger
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    Bases da biologia molecular
    (2017) MAZZOTTI, Tatiane Katsue Furuya; LEAL, Mariana Ferreira; CIRILO, Priscila Daniele Ramos; CHAMMAS, Roger
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    Imunização no adulto
    (2023) IVANOVIC, Lígia Fidelis; BORGES, Ana Paula de Souza
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    Toxicidades do tratamento e seu manejo
    (2023) SOARES, Gabriella Fernandes; ARAUJO, Haniel Alves; MAK, Milena Perez