LIM/53 - Laboratório de Micologia

O Laboratório de Micologia é ligado ao Departamento de Dermatologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP).

Linhas de pesquisa: imunopatogenia da paracoccidioidomicose humana; aplicação de modelos experimentais no estudo da imunidade celular e humoral em micoses sistêmicas; análise de polimorfismos e alterações gênicas de isolados fúngicos da coleção de culturas do LIM-53 e IMTSP/USP; padronização de técnicas moleculares no diagnóstico de infecções fúngicas sistêmicas e oportunistas.

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Recent Submissions

  1. Human interleukin-36γ plays a crucial role in cytokine induction during Sporothrix brasiliensis and S. schenckii infection in keratinocytes and PBMCs

    MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS, v.188, article ID 106550, 9p, 2024

    Cytokines of the interleukin (IL)-1 superfamily including the different IL-36 isoforms, have been reported as mediators of acute and chronic inflammation in human skin diseases, such as psoriasis. Here, we demonstrated for the first time that Sporothrix schenckii and S. brasiliensis, the fungi th...

  2. Areata-Like Lupus as a Clinical Manifestation of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

    SKIN APPENDAGE DISORDERS, v.8, n.4, p.322-327, 2022

    Introduction: Lupus erythematosus (LE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that frequently causes hair loss and scalp lesions. Hair loss can be scarring and nonscarring, diffuse, or patchy. The nonscarring patchy alopecia is usually related to systemic LE (SLE) and may simulate alopecia areata (AA), ...

  3. Small fiber neuropathy and intractable scalp pruritus in dermatomyositis patients

    SKIN HEALTH AND DISEASE, v.3, n.1, article ID e173, p, 2023

    Background: Scalp pruritus is a common symptom in Dermatomyositis (DM) patients. There are indications that small nerve fibers neuropathy could be involved in this symptom, however the etiology of scalp pruritus is not fully understood. Objectives: To assess epidermal nerve fiber (ENF) density of...

  4. Correlation of clinical, histopathologic, and direct immunofluorescence findings in lesional and nonlesional scalp of frontal fibrosing alopecia and lichen planopilaris – An observational study

    JAAD INTERNATIONAL, v.13, p.7-9, 2023

  5. Comparison of COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Among Psoriasis Patients Globally Using the Global Healthcare Study on Psoriasis (GHSP)


  6. Psoriasis And Mental Health Comorbidities: A Multinational Analysis Using the Global Healthcare Study on Psoriasis (GHSP)

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY, v.89, n.3, suppl.S, p.AB214-AB214, 2023

  7. Correlation between DLQI and PASI in patients with psoriasis - a cross-sectional Global Healthcare Study on Psoriasis (GHSP)

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY, v.89, n.3, suppl.S, p.AB141-AB141, 2023

  8. Skin innate immune response against fungal infections and the potential role of trained immunity

    MYCOSES, v.67, n.1, article ID e13682, 11p, 2024

    Fungal skin infections are distributed worldwide and can be associated with economic and social traits. The immune response related to skin cells is complex and its understanding is essential to the comprehension of each cell's role and the discovery of treatment alternatives. The first studies o...

  9. Sensitive Scalp and Trichodynia: Epidemiology, Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management

    SKIN APPENDAGE DISORDERS, v.9, n.6, p.407-415, 2023

    Sensitive scalp (SSc) is considered a sensitive skin on the scalp, with its particularities. Although it is not rare in the dermatological practice and the term is commonly present in personal care products, this entity is poorly investigated in the medical literature. The etiopathogenesis is sti...

  10. Evaluation of a diagnostic algorithm for mastocytosis in skin biopsies and CD25 expression in skin mast cells of 49 patients followed up at a Tertiary Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, v.63, n.2, p.e71-e73, 2024