Short-duration virtual reality simulation training positively impacts performance during laparoscopic colectomy in animal model: results of a single-blinded randomized trial

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Several studies have demonstrated skills transfer after virtual reality (VR) simulation training in laparoscopic surgery. However, the impact of VR simulation training on transfer of skills related to laparoscopic colectomy remains not investigated. The present study aimed at determining the impact of VR simulation warm-up on performance during laparoscopic colectomy in the porcine model. Fourteen residents naive to laparoscopic colectomy as surgeons were randomly assigned in block to two groups. Seven trainees completed a 2-h VR simulator training in the laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy module (study group). The remaining seven surgeons (control group) underwent no intervention. On the same day, all participants performed a sigmoid colectomy with anastomosis on a pig. All operations were video recorded. Two board-certified expert colorectal surgeons independently assessed performance during the colectomy on the swine. Examiners were blinded to group assignment. The two examiners used a previously validated clinical instrument specific to laparoscopic colectomy. The primary outcome was the generic and specific skills score values. Surgeons undergoing short-duration training on the VR simulator performed significantly better during laparoscopic colectomy on the pig regarding general and specific technical skills evaluation. The average score of generic skills was 17.2 (16.5-18) for the control group and 20.1 (16.5-22) for the study group (p = 0.002). The specific skills average score for the control group was 20.2 (19-21.5) and 24.2 (21-27.5) for the study group (p = 0.001). There was acceptable concordance (Kendall's W) regarding the video assessment of generic (W = 0.78) and specific skills (W = 0.84) between the two examiners. A single short-duration VR simulator practice positively impacted surgeons' generic and specific skills performance required to accomplish laparoscopic colectomy in the swine model.
Laparoscopy, Colectomy, Colonic neoplasms, Education, Credentialing, Clinical skills
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