Relationship between acid-base status and inflammation in the critically ill

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CRITICAL CARE, v.18, n.4, article ID R154, 8p, 2014
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Introduction: There is a complex interplay between changes in acid base components and inflammation. This manuscript aims to explore associations between plasma cytokines and chemokines and acid base status on admission to intensive care. Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study in a 13-bed ICU in a tertiary-care center in Brazil. 87 unselected patients admitted to the ICU during a 2-year period were included. We measured multiple inflammatory mediators in plasma using multiplex assays and evaluated the association between mediator concentrations and acid base variables using a variety of statistical modeling approaches, including generalized linear models, multiadaptive regression splines and principal component analysis. Results: We found a positive association between strong ion gap (SIG) and plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL)6, 8, 10 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF); whereas albumin was negatively associated with IL6, IL7, IL8, IL10, TNF and interferon (IFN)alpha. Apparent strong ion difference (SIDa) was negatively associated with IL10 and IL17. A principal component analysis including SAPS 3 indicated that the association between acid base components and inflammatory status was largely independent of illness severity, with both increased SIG and decreased SIDa (both drivers of acidosis) associated with increased inflammation. Conclusion: Acid base variables (especially increased SIG, decreased albumin and decreased SIDa) on admission to ICU are associated with immunological activation. These findings should encourage new research into the effects of acid base status on inflammation.
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