Pathological jealousy: Romantic relationship characteristics, emotional and personality aspects, and social adjustment

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Background: The aim of this study was to identify romantic relationship characteristics, emotional and personality aspects and social adjustment in subjects with pathological jealousy (PJ) and to compare them to control group. Methods: The participants, 32 individuals with PJ and 31 healthy volunteers completed measures of jealousy intensity, attachment type, love and relationship styles, personality, impulsivity, aggressiveness and social adjustment. Socio-demographic profiles were also obtained. Results: Participants with PJ were significantly older than the control group, but no other important socio-demographic differences were observed. Participants with PJ were significantly more jealous and were predominately categorized with anxious ambivalent attachment type, and Mania love style. They presented with elevated novelty seeking and harm avoidance, low self-directedness and cooperativeness, high levels of impulsivity and trait anxiety, and poor social adjustment. Multivariate analysis shovvecl that jealousy intensity and trait anxiety were the variables that best distinguished participants with PJ from the control group. Limitations: This study was limited by the cross-sectional design and relatively small sample size. Conclusions: PJ presents a particular pattern of attachment, love style, and personality structure, and deserves further attention as a specific potential disorder of the romantic bonding.
Pathological jealousy, Personality, Trait anxiety, Attachment style, Love style
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