Donor Transmission Intestinal Carcinoma After Kidney Transplantation: Case Report

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TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, v.47, n.3, p.827-830, 2015
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Tumor transmission is a rare complication of organ transplantation. Despite several improvements in excluding donor malignant disease, there continue to be reports of unknown tumors in the donors. The risk of having a donor with an undetected malignancy ranges between 1.3% and 2%. The cases of two kidney transplant recipients who had intestinal carcinoma transmitted from the same deceased donor are described. The clinical presentation, previous data, and management options are discussed. As a result of the increase in the overall donor pool, using extended criteria donors, donors of extreme ages, donors with prolonged intensive care admission, and donors who may potentially transmit disease to their recipients, the risk of tumor transmission and also infections should be considered.
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