Departamento de Psiquiatria - FM/MPS

URI Permanente desta comunidade

O Departamento de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de SĆ£o Paulo (FMUSP) abrange as Ć”reas de GraduaĆ§Ć£o, Internato, ResidĆŖncia MĆ©dica, PĆ³s-GraduaĆ§Ć£o lato sensu e PĆ³s-GraduaĆ§Ć£o stricto sensu, bem como estĆ”gios de curta e longa duraĆ§Ć£o para profissionais mĆ©dicos e de Ć”reas afins. Na graduaĆ§Ć£o, responde por um mĆ³dulo de Psiquiatria na disciplina de Bases FisiolĆ³gicas da ClĆ­nica MĆ©dica e pelas disciplinas de Bases HumanĆ­sticas da Medicina, Psicologia MĆ©dica e Psiquiatria ClĆ­nica.

AlĆ©m de atuar nas Ć”reas de ensino e assistĆŖncia, tem alta produtividade cientĆ­fica na FMUSP, exercendo lideranƧa nacional de pesquisas bĆ”sica e clĆ­nica em Ć”reas de transtornos do humor, transtornos de ansiedade, esquizofrenia, psiquiatria geriĆ”trica, genĆ©tica e epidemiologia, alĆ©m de liderar grupos nacionais de pesquisa, como o ConsĆ³rcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Transtornos do Espectro Obsessivo-Compulsivo (C-TOC).


ƍndice h

Scopus: 94


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SubmissƵes Recentes

Aspectos psiquiĆ”tricos na doenƧa inflamatĆ³ria intestinal
(2015) HUMES, Eduardo de Castro; FRƔGUAS JUNIOR, RenƩrio
Terapia cognitivo-comportamental digital
(2021) HUNGERBĆ¼HLER, Ines; LOTUFO-NETO, Francisco
IncongruĆŖncia de gĆŖnero, transtorno do espectro autista e outros transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento
(2024) GONƧALVES, AndrƩ Henrique Oliveira; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra
Impacto na saĆŗde mental nas crianƧas e nos adolescentes na pandemia da COVID-19
(2023) CASELLA, Caio Borba; SUGAYA, Luisa; POLANCZYK, Guilherme V.
InfĆ¢ncia e gĆŖnero
(2024) MORIKAWA, Marcia; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra
Desenvolvimento da sexualidade
(2024) MAYRINK, Caio; SCIVOLETTO, Sandra
(2024) POLANCZYK, Guilherme V.
article 0 CitaĆ§Ć£o(Ƶes) na Scopus
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people with oldest older age bipolar disorder in a global sample: Results from the global aging and geriatric experiments in bipolar disorder project
(2024) CHEN, Peijun; SAJATOVIC, Martha; BRIGGS, Farren B. S.; MULSANT, Benoit; DOLS, Annemiek A.; GILDENGERS, Ariel; YALA, Joy; BEUNDERS, Alexandra J. M.; BLUMBERG, Hilary P.; REJ, Soham; FORLENZA, Orestes V.; JIMENEZ, Esther; SCHOUWS, Sigfried; ORHAN, Melis; SUTHERLAND, Ashley N.; VIETA, Eduard; TSAI, Shangying; SARNA, Kaylee; EYLER, Lisa T.
Objects: Studies of older age bipolar disorder (OABD) have mostly focused on ""younger old"" individuals. Little is known about the oldest OABD (OOABD) individuals aged >= 70 years old. The Global Aging and Geriatric Experiments in Bipolar Disorder (GAGE-BD) project provides an opportunity to evaluate the OOABD group to understand their characteristics compared to younger groups. Methods: We conducted cross-sectional analyses of the GAGE-BD database, an integrated, harmonized dataset from 19 international studies. We compared the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of those aged <50 (YABD, n = 184), 50-69 (OABD, n = 881), and >= 70 (OOABD, n = 304). To standardize the comparisons between age categories and all characteristics, we used multinomial logistic regression models with age category as the dependent variable, with each characteristic as the independent variable, and clustering of standard errors to account for the correlation between observations from each of the studies. Results: OOABD and OABD had lower severity of manic symptoms (Mean YMRS = 3.3, 3.8 respectively) than YABD (YMRS = 7.6), and lower depressive symptoms (% of absent = 65.4%, and 59.5% respectively) than YABD (18.3%). OOABD and OABD had higher physical burden than YABD, especially in the cardiovascular domain (prevalence = 65% in OOABD, 41% in OABD and 17% in YABD); OOABD had the highest prevalence (56%) in the musculoskeletal domain (significantly differed from 39% in OABD and 31% in YABD which didn't differ from each other). Overall, OOABD had significant cumulative physical burden in numbers of domains (mean = 4) compared to both OABD (mean = 2) and YABD (mean = 1). OOABD had the lowest rates of suicidal thoughts (10%), which significantly differed from YABD (26%) though didn't differ from OABD (21%). Functional status was higher in both OOABD (GAF = 63) and OABD (GAF = 64), though only OABD had significantly higher function than YABD (GAF = 59). Conclusions: OOABD have unique features, suggesting that (1) OOABD individuals may be easier to manage psychiatrically, but require more attention to comorbid physical conditions; (2) OOABD is a survivor cohort associated with resilience despite high medical burden, warranting both qualitative and quantitative methods to better understand how to advance clinical care and ways to age successfully with BD.
article 1 CitaĆ§Ć£o(Ƶes) na Scopus
Networks of Neurodevelopmental Traits, Socioenvironmental Factors, Emotional Dysregulation in Childhood, and Depressive Symptoms Across Development in Two UK Cohorts
(2023) FARHAT, Luis C.; BLAKEY, Rachel; SMITH, George Davey; FUJITA, Andre; SHEPHARD, Elizabeth; STERGIAKOULI, Evie; ELEY, Thalia C.; THAPAR, Anita; POLANCZYK, Guilherme V.
Objective: Previous population-based studies have identified associations between childhood neurodevelopmental traits and depression in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. However, neurodevelopmental traits are highly correlated with each other, which could confound associations when traits are examined in isolation. The authors sought to identify unique associations between multiple neurodevelopmental traits in childhood and depressive symptoms across development, while taking into account co-occurring difficulties, in multivariate analyses. Methods: Data from two U.K. population-based cohorts, the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) (N=4,407 independent twins) and the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) (N=10,351), were independently analyzed. Bayesian Gaussian graphical models were estimated to investigate pairwise conditional associations between neurodevelopmental traits (autism and ADHD symptoms and general cognitive, learning, and communication abilities), socioenvironmental stressors (academic performance and peer relations), and emotional dysregulation in childhood (ages 7-11) and depressive symptoms across development (ages 12, 16, and 21). Results: In both cohorts, bivariate correlations indicated several associations between neurodevelopmental traits and depressive symptoms across development. However, based on replicated findings across cohorts, these pairs of variables were mostly conditionally independent, and none were conditionally associated, after accounting for socioenvironmental stressors and emotional dysregulation. In turn, socioenvironmental stressors and emotional dysregulation were conditionally associated with both neurodevelopmental traits and depressive symptoms. Based on replicated findings across cohorts, neurodevelopmental traits in childhood could be associated only indirectly with depressive symptoms across development. Conclusions: This study indicates that associations between childhood neurodevelopmental traits and depressive symptoms across development could be explained by socioenvironmental stressors and emotional dysregulation. The present findings could inform future research aimed at the prevention of depression in youths with neurodevelopmental disorders.