(Fonte: Lattes)
ƍndice h a partir de 2011
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
LIM/13 - LaboratĆ³rio de GenĆ©tica e Cardiologia Molecular, Hospital das ClĆ­nicas, Faculdade de Medicina

Resultados de Busca

Agora exibindo 1 - 2 de 2
  • conferenceObject
    Germline Mutagenesis Induces Blood Pressure And Heart Rate Variation In Mice Uncovering Novel Insights On The Genesis Of Cardiovascular Disease Risks
    (2022) TEIXEIRA, Samantha Kuwada; PONTES, Roberto; ZULETA, Luiz Fernando; ROSA, Rogerio; BERTOLINE, Leticia; WANG, Jianhui; XU, Darui; RUSSELL, Jamie L.; ZHAN, Xiaoming; CHOI, Mihwa; TANG, Miao; LI, Xiaohong; LUDWIG, Sara; BEUTLER, Bruce; KRIEGER, Jose E.
  • article 29 CitaĆ§Ć£o(Ƶes) na Scopus
    Before and after AlphaFold2: An overview of protein structure prediction
    (2023) BERTOLINE, Leticia M. F.; LIMA, Angelica N.; KRIEGER, Jose E.; TEIXEIRA, Samantha K.
    Three-dimensional protein structure is directly correlated with its function and its determination is critical to understanding biological processes and addressing human health and life science problems in general. Although new protein structures are experimentally obtained over time, there is still a large difference between the number of protein sequences placed in Uniprot and those with resolved tertiary structure. In this context, studies have emerged to predict protein structures by methods based on a template or free modeling. In the last years, different methods have been combined to overcome their individual limitations, until the emergence of AlphaFold2, which demonstrated that predicting protein structure with high accuracy at unprecedented scale is possible. Despite its current impact in the field, AlphaFold2 has limitations. Recently, new methods based on protein language models have promised to revolutionize the protein structural biology allowing the discovery of protein structure and function only from evolutionary patterns present on protein sequence. Even though these methods do not reach AlphaFold2 accuracy, they already covered some of its limitations, being able to predict with high accuracy more than 200 million proteins from metagenomic databases. In this mini-review, we provide an overview of the breakthroughs in protein structure prediction before and after AlphaFold2 emergence.