Lymphocyte subsets and Langerhans cells in the skin of kidney transplant recipients under three different immunosuppressive regimens

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Background Renal transplant recipients (RTRs) are at increased risk of developing skin cancer; however, the role of immunosuppression is not yet fully understood. In this study, we evaluated the immunohistochemical changes in the skin of RTRs under three different immunosuppression regimens: mTOR inhibitors (mTORi), sirolimus or everolimus, mycophenolic acid (MPA) precursors such as mycophenolate sodium or mofetil, or azathioprine (AZA). Methods We evaluated biopsies of sun-exposed and sun-protected skin for immunohistochemical quantification of B lymphocytes (CD20(+)), T lymphocytes (CD3(+), CD4(+), and CD8(+)), and Langerhans cells (LCs) (CD1a(+)) in 30 RTRs and 10 healthy controls. The RTRs were divided into three groups: mTORi (n = 10), MPA (n = 10), and AZA (n = 10). Results No differences were observed in the number of B lymphocytes. However, a significant decrease in the number of T lymphocytes and LCs was observed in both sun-protected and sun-exposed skin in the AZA and MPA groups, although to a lesser degree in the latter group. The skin of the mTORi group did not differ from that of the control group in terms of the number of B and T lymphocytes and LCs. Conclusions Patients treated with mTORi exhibit preserved cellular elements related to cutaneous immune surveillance. The use of AZA induced a greater degree of skin immunosuppression than in the control group, as demonstrated by the decrease in T lymphocytes and LCs.
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