Neurocysticercosis: challenges in pediatric neurosurgery practice

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CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM, v.39, n.3, p.743-750, 2023
Projetos de Pesquisa
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PurposeNeurocysticercosis (NCC) is considered a neglected infectious disease, but the most common parasitic disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Due to oral tendencies in childhood, it is hypothesized that individuals are infected around this age and develop symptoms as lately as during young adulthood. Although it is considered a benign disease, it may cause great impact in the patient's quality of life due to epilepsy, visual symptoms, and hydrocephalus, which eventually requires frequent hospitalizations. The treatment of hydrocephalus is the main challenge for neurosurgeons.MethodsWe performed a concise review on neurocysticercosis in children and the main presentations of NCC in the neurosurgery practice and a systematic review on hydrocephalus secondary to extraparenchymal NCC.ResultsOur review showed a rate of complete resolution of hydrocephalus secondary to NCC of around 80% with the first attempt of surgical treatment combined with medication therapy. Endoscopic removal of the intraventricular cysts with third ventriculostomy was the most common treatment modality. Patients previously managed with ventricular shunts are likely to have worse outcomes and complications.ConclusionEndoscopic approach is the gold standard surgical treatment for hydrocephalus secondary to neurocysticercosis.
Neurocysticercosis, Hydrocephalus, Ventriculostomy
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