Transcranial direct current stimulation combined with robotic training in incomplete spinal cord injury: a randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial

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SPINAL CORD SERIES AND CASES, v.7, n.1, article ID 87, 7p, 2021
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Study design A randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial. Objective To test the effects of tDCS, combined with robotic training, on gait disability in SCI. Our hypothesis was that participants who received active tDCS would experience greater walking gains, as indexed by the WISCI-II, than those who received sham tDCS. Setting University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods This randomized, double-blind study comprised 43 participants with incomplete SCI who underwent 30 sessions of active (n = 21) or sham (n = 22) tDCS (20 min, 2 mA) before every Lokomat session of 30 min (3 times a week over 12 weeks or 5 times a week over 6 weeks). The main outcome was the improvement in WISCI-II. Participants were assessed at baseline, after 15 and 30 sessions of Lokomat, and after three months of treatment. Results There was a significant difference in the percentage of participants that improved in WISCI-II at the 30-session, compared with baseline: 33.3% in the sham group and 70.0% in the active group (p = 0.046; OR: 3.7; 95% CI: 1.0-13.5). At the follow-up, the improvement compared with baseline in the sham group was 35.0% vs. 68.4% for the active group (p = 0.046; OR: 3.7; 95% CI: 1.0-13.5). There was no significant difference at the 15-session. Conclusion Thirty sessions of active tDCS is associated with a significant improvement in walking, compared to sham. Moreover, 15 sessions had no significant effect. The improvement in WISCI-II can be related to different aspects of motor learning, including motor recovery and compensation.
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