Detecting Vascular Bifurcation in IVOCT Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks With Transfer Learning

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COSTA, Marly Guimaraes Fernandes
COSTA, Joao Pedro Guimaraes Fernandes
COSTA FILHO, Cicero Ferreira Fernandes
IEEE ACCESS, v.7, p.66167-66175, 2019
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology enables experts to analyze coronary lesions from high-resolution intravascular images. Studies have shown a relationship between vascular bifurcation and a higher occurrence of wall thickening and lesions in these areas. Some level of automation could benefit experts since the visual analysis of pullback frames is a laborious and time-consuming task. Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown promising results in classifying medical images, in this paper, we found no studies using CNNs in IVOCT images to classify the vascular bifurcation. In this paper, we evaluated four different CNN architectures in the bifurcation classification task trained with the IVOCT images from nine pullbacks from nine different patients. We used data augmentation to balance the dataset, due to the small number of bifurcation-labeled frames, and also applied transfer learning methods to incorporate the knowledge from a lumen segmentation task into some of the evaluated networks. Our classification outperforms other works in this literature, presenting AUC = 99.72%, obtained by a CNN with transferred knowledge.
Cardiovascular diseases, intravascular optical coherence tomography, bifurcation detection, convolutional neural networks
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