Zika virus in French Polynesia 2013-14: anatomy of a completed outbreak

dc.contributorSistema FMUSP-HC: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP
dc.contributor.authorMUSSO, Didier
dc.contributor.authorBOSSIN, Herve
dc.contributor.authorMALLET, Henri Pierre
dc.contributor.authorBESNARD, Marianne
dc.contributor.authorBROULT, Julien
dc.contributor.authorBAUDOUIN, Laure
dc.contributor.authorLEVI, Jose Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorSABINO, Ester C.
dc.contributor.authorGHAWCHE, Frederic
dc.contributor.authorLANTERI, Marion C.
dc.contributor.authorBAUD, David
dc.description.abstractThe Zika virus crisis exemplified the risk associated with emerging pathogens and was a reminder that preparedness for the worst-case scenario, although challenging, is needed. Herein, we review all data reported during the unexpected emergence of Zika virus in French Polynesia in late 2013. We focus on the new findings reported during this outbreak, especially the first description of severe neurological complications in adults and the retrospective description of CNS malformations in neonates, the isolation of Zika virus in semen, the potential for blood-transfusion transmission, mother-to-child transmission, and the development of new diagnostic assays. We describe the effect of this outbreak on health systems, the implementation of vector-borne control strategies, and the line of communication used to alert the international community of the new risk associated with Zika virus. This outbreak highlighted the need for careful monitoring of all unexpected events that occur during an emergence, to implement surveillance and research programmes in parallel to management of cases, and to be prepared to the worst-case scenario.
dc.identifier.citationLANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES, v.18, n.5, p.E172-E182, 2018
dc.publisherELSEVIER SCI LTD
dc.relation.ispartofLancet Infectious Diseases
dc.rights.holderCopyright ELSEVIER SCI LTD
dc.subject.otherross river virus
dc.subject.othermale sexual transmission
dc.subject.otherchikungunya virus
dc.subject.otheremerging arboviruses
dc.subject.otherdengue viruses
dc.subject.wosInfectious Diseases
dc.titleZika virus in French Polynesia 2013-14: anatomy of a completed outbreak
hcfmusp.affiliation.countryEstados Unidos
hcfmusp.author.externalMUSSO, Didier:Inst Louis Malarde, Pole Rech & Veille Malad Infect Emergentes, F-98713 Tahiti, French Polynesi, France
hcfmusp.author.externalBOSSIN, Herve:Inst Louis Malarde, Unite Entomol Med, Tahiti, French Polynesi, France
hcfmusp.author.externalMALLET, Henri Pierre:Direct Sante Papeete, Bur Veille Sanit, Tahiti, French Polynesi, France
hcfmusp.author.externalBESNARD, Marianne:Ctr Hosp Taaone, Serv Reanimat Neonatale, Tahiti, French Polynesi, France
hcfmusp.author.externalBROULT, Julien:Ctr Hosp Taaone, Ctr Transfus Sanguine, Tahiti, French Polynesi, France
hcfmusp.author.externalGHAWCHE, Frederic:Ctr Hosp Taaone, Serv Neurol, Tahiti, French Polynesi, France
hcfmusp.author.externalLANTERI, Marion C.:Blood Syst Res Inst, San Francisco, CA USA; Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Lab Med, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA; Cerus Corp, Concord, CA USA
hcfmusp.author.externalBAUD, David:Univ Hosp, Dept Femme Mere Enfant, Maternofetal & Obstet Res Unit, Lausanne, Switzerland
hcfmusp.contributor.author-fmusphcJOSE EDUARDO LEVI
hcfmusp.contributor.author-fmusphcESTER CERDEIRA SABINO
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