Impact of Resistance Training in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients During Periods of Acute Exacerbation

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Objective: To evaluate the effects of whole-body resistance training on exercise capacity, health-related quality of life (DROOL), and muscle strength in patients hospitalized for exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: University hospital. Participants: Patients (N=46) were randomized to either a control group (CG) or training group (TG), and 29 patients completed the study. Intervention: Training consisted of weight-lifting exercises for 6 muscle groups in the upper and lower limbs (2 sets of 8 repetitions each), and the initial load was set at 80% of the 1-repetition maximum load. Main Outcome Measures: Patients were evaluated on the second day of hospitalization, at hospital discharge, and 30 days postdischarge. Patients were evaluated on the basis of the 6-minute walking distance (6MWD), DROOL, muscle strength, systemic inflammatory markers, and level of physical activity in daily life (PADL). Results: The CG showed a reduction in the strength of lower-limb muscles (P<.05) but not in the 6MWD (P>.05). In contrast, patients from the TG improved strength in the lower-limb muscles and 6MWD during and 30 days after hospitalization (P<.05). The TG also improved the impact domain in HRQOL after hospitalization. No improvement in PADL was observed in the TG. Finally, a reduction in the blood levels of inflammatory markers was observed only in the TO after hospitalization. Conclusions: Our results suggest that resistance training during hospitalization improves the 6MWD, DROOL, and lower-limb muscle strength, without altering the levels of systemic inflammation. However, future research should explore this intervention in larger randomized trials. (c) 2014 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
Hospitalization, Quality of life, Rehabilitation, Resistance training, Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive
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