Impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on surgical and pathological results of gastric cancer patients: A case-control study

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JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, v.121, n.5, p.833-839, 2020
Projetos de Pesquisa
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Background and Objective Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) followed by radical surgery represents a treatment option for patients with advanced gastric cancer (GC). This case-control study aimed to evaluate the clinicopathological characteristics and surgical outcomes of GC patients who received NACT, and its impact on survival. Methods We retrospectively reviewed all patients with GC who underwent gastrectomy. A total of 45 cases with NACT were matched with consecutive 45 patients who underwent upfront gastrectomy for the following characteristics: gender, age, gastrectomy type, lymphadenectomy extent, American Society of Anesthesiologists class, histological type, cT and cN. Results NACT group had smaller tumors (4.9 vs 6.8 cm P = .006), lower lymphatic invasion rate (40% vs 73.3%, P = .001), lower venous invasion rate (18% vs 46.7%, P = .003) and lower perineural invasion rate (35% vs 77.8%, P < .0001). The ypTNM stage was lower in patients treated with NACT (P < .001). The major postoperative complication (POC) rate was lower in NACT patients (6.7% vs 24.4%, P = .02), as was hospital length of stay (10.8 vs 17 days, P = .005). Conclusions NACT allowed nodal and tumor downstaging. In addition, patients who underwent NACT had fewer POC and shorter length of hospital stay.
complications, gastric cancer, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, survival, tumor regression
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