Outcomes of surgical treatment for patients with distal rectal cancer: A retrospective review from a single university hospital

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introduction and aim: Surgery for distal rectal cancer (DRC) can be performed with or without sphincter preservation. The aim of the present study was to analyze the outcomes of two surgical techniques in the treatment of DRC patients: low anterior resection (LAR) and abdominoperineal resection (APR). Methods: Patients with advanced DRC that underwent surgical treatment between 2002 and 2012 were evaluated. We compared the outcomes of the type of surgery (APR vs LAR) and analyzed the associations of survival and recurrence with the following factors: age, sex, tumor location, lymph nodes obtained, lymph node involvement, and rectal wall involvement. Patients with distant metastases were excluded. Results: A total of 148 patients were included, 78 of whom were females (52.7%). The mean patient age was 61.2 years. Neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy was performed in 86.5% of the patients. APR was performed on 86 (58.1%) patients, and LAR on 62 (41.9%) patients. No differences were observed between the two groups regarding clinical and oncologic characteristics. Eighty-seven (62%) patients had pT3-4 disease, and 41 patients (27.7%) had lymph node involvement. In the multivariate analysis, only poorly differentiated tumors (P=.026) and APR (P=.009) correlated with higher recurrence rates. Mean follow-up time was 32 (16-59.9) months. Overall 5 -year survival was 58.1%. The 5 -year survival rate was worse in patients that underwent APR (46.5%) than in the patients that underwent LAR (74.2%) (P=.009). Conclusions: Patients with locally advanced DRC that underwent APR presented with a lower survival rate and a higher local recurrence rate than patients that underwent LAR. In addition, advanced T/stage, lymph node involvement, and poor tumor differentiation were associated with recurrence and a lower survival rate, regardless of the procedure. 2020 Asociacion Mexicana de Gastroenterologia.
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