LIM/08 - Laboratório de Anestesiologia

O Laboratório de Anestesiologia é ligado ao Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP).

Linhas de pesquisa: hemodiluição normovolêmica aguda, transporte de oxigênio, hemorragia e sepse; estudo dos métodos dinâmicos na responsividade cardiovascular aos fluidos; ação de substâncias analgésicas em receptores centrais periféricos; métodos aplicativos de imagem e mecânica na modelagem respiratória.

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Recent Submissions

  1. Data-driven, cross-disciplinary collaboration: lessons learned at the largest academic health center in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic

    FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, v.12, article ID 1369129, 15p, 2024

    Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted global research efforts to reduce infection impact, highlighting the potential of cross-disciplinary collaboration to enhance research quality and efficiency.Methods At the FMUSP-HC academic health system, we implemented innovative flow management r...

  2. Response to ""Is really a continuous erector spinae plane block inferior to a continuous paravertebral block for pain control following lung surgery?""

    ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, v.68, n.2, p.299-300, 2024

  3. Olanzapine as an add-on, pre-operative anti-emetic drug for postoperative nausea or vomiting: a randomised controlled trial

    ANAESTHESIA, v.78, n.10, p.1206-1214, 2023

    Postoperative nausea or vomiting occurs in up to 40% in patients with multiple risk factors, despite prophylaxis. Olanzapine is an antipsychotic drug that is used to prevent nausea and vomiting in palliative care and to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. This study aimed to examine w...

  4. Noninvasive intracranial pressure waveforms for estimation of intracranial hypertension and outcome prediction in acute brain-injured patients


    Analysis of intracranial pressure waveforms (ICPW) provides information on intracranial compliance. We aimed to assess the correlation between noninvasive ICPW (NICPW) and invasively measured intracranial pressure (ICP) and to assess the NICPW prognostic value in this population. In this cohort, ...

  5. The impact of obesity in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study

    DIABETOLOGY & METABOLIC SYNDROME, v.16, n.1, article ID 20, 7p, 2024

    Background Obesity is believed to be a risk factor for COVID-19 and unfavorable outcomes, although data on this remains to be better elucidated.Objective To evaluate the impact of obesity on the endpoints of patients hospitalized due to SARS-CoV-2.Methods This retrospective cohort study evaluated...

  6. Substance used in the ripening of fruits can cause kidney damage and water and electrolytic disorders

    JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE NEFROLOGIA, v.45, n.4, p.387-388, 2023

  7. Stress Echocardiography Another Hilltop, and It Is Better Than Ever

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, v.82, n.21, p.1986-1988, 2023

  8. Predictive Performance for Hospital Mortality of SAPS 3, SOFA, ISS, and New ISS in Critically Ill Trauma Patients: A Validation Cohort Study

    JOURNAL OF INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, v.39, n.1, p.44-51, 2024

    Background: It is not known whether anatomical scores perform better than general critical care scores for trauma patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). We compare the predictive performance for hospital mortality of general critical care scores (SAPS 3 and SOFA) with anatomical inju...

  9. Public and private fundraising as a tool for professional development: What is fundraising?

    ACTA CIRURGICA BRASILEIRA, v.38, article ID e388123, 7p, 2023

  10. Videolaryngoscopy in anesthesia and perioperative medicine: innovations, challenges, and best practices

    BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY, v.73, n.5, p.525-528, 2023