Homelessness and Depressive Symptoms A Systematic Review

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MAESTRELLI, Luiz Gustavo
SILVA, Anderson Sousa Martins
PERICO, Cintia De Azevedo-Marques
JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE, v.210, n.5, p.380-389, 2022
Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais
The present systematic review aimed to summarize data on the prevalence and treatment of depressive symptoms among homeless people. We referred to the PubMed and Google Scholar databases to identify relevant studies on the topic. Among the 43 included studies, we found great variability in the prevalence of depressive symptoms among homeless people (ranging from 9.9% to 77.5%). Comparative studies among the homeless versus nonhomeless population showed that rates of depressive symptoms are 5 to 14 times higher in the homeless population. Similar differences were also found for suicidal ideation. The lack of research and treatment plans for this specific population further encourages more evidence and special therapeutic intervention. Although little has been found in the literature, a substantial improvement in the quality of life and reduction in depressive symptoms was demonstrated when therapeutic interventions were performed among homeless people (i.e., housing, nursing, access to community care and effective services and supports programs, mindfulness, pharmacological treatment).
Homeless, depression, suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, treatment
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