ODS/10 - Redução da desigualdade

Objetivo: Reduzir a desigualdade dentro dos países e entre eles.


Recent Submissions

  1. Review of strategies to investigate low sample return rates in remote tobacco trials: A call to action for more user-centered design research

    ADDICTION NEUROSCIENCE, v.7, article ID 100090, p, 2023

    Remote collection of biomarkers of tobacco use in clinical trials poses significant challenges. A recent meta-analysis and scoping review of the smoking cessation literature indicated that sample return rates are low and that new methods are needed to investigate the underlying causes of these lo...

  2. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Item Pairing Predictiveness for Prescreening Depressive Symptomatology: Machine Learning Analysis

    JMIR MENTAL HEALTH, v.10, article ID e48444, 19p, 2023

    Background: Anhedonia and depressed mood are considered the cardinal symptoms of major depressive disorder. These are the first 2 items of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 and comprise the ultrabrief PHQ-2 used for prescreening depressive symptomatology. The prescreening performance of al...

  3. Perspectives""Advance Care Planning in Brazil


    Brazil is a country of continental size marked by extreme social inequalities. Its regulation of Advance Directives (AD) was not enacted by law but within the scope of the norms that govern the relationships between patients and physicians, as a resolution of the Federal Medical Council without a...

  4. Dimensions of harassment at school: dialogs about gender with young high school students in Sao Paulo/Brazil

    INTERFACE-COMUNICACAO SAUDE EDUCACAO, v.27, article ID e.220647, 15p, 2023

    In this article, we discuss uses of ""harassment"" as a category employed by young students from public high schools to make sense of violence and gender discrimination experiences that occur in and out of school. The analysis is based on fieldwork records produced within the scope of a multicent...

  5. Violence, Discrimination, and High Levels of Symptoms of Depression Among Adolescent Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women in Brazil

    JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH, v.73, n.6, suppl.S, p.S19-S25, 2023

    Purpose: This study aimed at describing the prevalence of symptoms of depression among 15-19 year old adolescent men who have sex with men (aMSM) and transgender women (aTGW), who were recruited in an HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis cohort study in three Brazilian capital cities. The study also exam...

  6. Civil society and community social support initiatives for vulnerable groups in primary care center catchment areas: the role of the FHS during the pandemic

    CIENCIA & SAUDE COLETIVA, v.28, n.12, p.3519-3531, 2023

    The pandemic highlighted new and old health risks that require health actions and social support. This study analyzed the knowledge of health professionals working in primary health care centers (PHCCs) regarding civil society and health service separately or along with health promotion and socia...

  7. Economic Evaluations and Equity in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Imaging Exams for Medical Diagnosis in People With Skin, Neurological, and Pulmonary Diseases: Protocol for a Systematic Review

    JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS, v.12, article ID e48544, 8p, 2023

    Background: Traditional health care systems face long-standing challenges, including patient diversity, geographical disparities, and financial constraints. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care offers solutions to these challenges. AI, a multidisciplinary field, enhances c...

  8. Methodological issues in qualitative research on HIV prevention: an integrative review

    CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA, v.39, n.11, article ID e00033123, 11p, 2023

    In view of the growing concern about the use of qualitative approach in health research, this article aims to analyze how the qualitative theoretical -method-ological framework of HIV prevention is presented in empirical research. We conducted an integrative literature review with the following g...

  9. Vaccines past and future - a Brazilian perspective

    BULLETIN DE L ACADEMIE NATIONALE DE MEDECINE, v.207, n.9, p.1212-1217, 2023

    In this opinion article, I provide a brief history of vaccine development, commenting on the classic ways of obtaining vaccines using the infectious agent itself. Then, I address the issue of viral vaccines, their successes , difficulties, discussing the issue of viral serotypes. Bacterial vaccin...

  10. Critically ill patients with COVID-19-associated acute kidney injury treated with kidney replacement therapy: Comparison between the first and second pandemic waves in São Paulo, Brazil

    PLOS ONE, v.18, n.11, article ID e0293846, 16p, 2023

    IntroductionThis study aimed to compare the characteristics and outcomes of critically ill patients with COVID-19-associated acute kidney injury (AKI) who were treated with kidney replacement therapy (KRT) in the first and second waves of the pandemic in the megalopolis of Sao Paulo, Brazil.Metho...