Sistema FMUSP-HC: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSPCASSEB, J.CAMPOS, J. H.LOPES, L. R.2024-03-132024-03-132023ANIMAL DISEASES, v.3, n.1, article ID 31, p, 20232731-0442 have been proven to cause infections and diseases in a series of mammalian hosts but not in dogs. Then, this letter discussed the dog susceptibility to retrovirus infection, encompassing arguments to understand why dogs may have not been infected by retroviruses thus far. The potential resistance of retrovirus in dogs enables this provocative short communication to discuss this question, looking at some evolutive aspects. The lineage of canids has shown, throughout its evolutionary history, a smaller accumulation of retroviruses in canid genomes, classified as endogenous retroviruses. In this context, the genomes of canids seem to offer obstacles, which have been evolutionarily conserved, in the face of retroviral infection.engopenAccessEndogenous retrovirusRetrovirusdogsAre dogs not susceptible to retroviral infections?articleCopyright BIOMED CENTRAL LTD10.1186/s44149-023-00097-5