Sistema FMUSP-HC: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSPMORENO, RamonDIAS, FelipeARRUDA, MarceloOLIVEIRA, FilipeBULHOES, ThiagoKRIEGER, JoseGUTIERREZ, Marco2023-11-162023-11-1620222022 SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNET OF THINGS, SIOT, 2022978-1-6654-7475-7 blood pressure (BP) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Besides being a treatable condition, alongside medication and a healthy diet, it requires regular BP measurements to assess whether a patient is properly responding to treatment. There have been many attempts to use the photoplethysmography (PPG) signal to estimate BP continuously, but there has yet to be an effective solution. This work presents our efforts to develop a new method for estimating BP from PPG and infrastructure to collect, process, and store this information. PPG signal is measured from a smartband; our App reads the data from the smartband to a smartphone, processes them using a machine learning method, and estimates BP, which is sent to a server that stores and displays the dataengrestrictedAccessphotoplethysmographyPPGinfrastructureBluetoothIoTIoT Medical Device Architecture to Estimate Non-invasive Arterial Blood PressureconferenceObjectCopyright IEEE10.1109/SIOT56383.2022.10069878Computer Science, Information SystemsComputer Science, Interdisciplinary ApplicationsEngineering, Electrical & ElectronicTelecommunications