Sistema FMUSP-HC: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSPCOELHO-JUNIOR, Hello JoseRODRIGUES, BrunoAGUIAR, Samuel da SilvaGONCALVES, Ivan de OliveiraASANO, Ricardo YukioIRIGOYEN, Maria-ClaudiaFERIANI, Daniele JardimUCHIDA, Marco Carlos2018-11-212018-11-212017JOURNAL OF EXERCISE REHABILITATION, v.13, n.4, p.454-463, 20172288-176X present study aimed to examine the effects of a prior session of power training on blood pressure values during tasks that mimic the activities of daily living in hypertensive and normotensive older women. A randomized crossover experimental design was used for this study. Eleven older women (age, 66.1 +/- 1.2 years; body mass index, 26.7 +/- 4.8 kg/m(2); systolic blood pressure, 133.9 +/- 23.4 mmHg) were recruited to participate. Volunteers were randomly underwent to a single session of physical exercise equalized by training volume, characterized by 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions in 8 different exercises. However, Power training session was performed at a higher intensity (moderate) than Sham session (rest/very, very easy). Immediately after the end of the exercise session, subjects were assigned to perform five tasks that mimic the activities of daily living. Hemodynamic parameters were recorded before and immediately after the session of physical exercise, as well as in the end of each of the tasks. Results demonstrated significant elevations in systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure values during the performance of the tasks after the Sham session. However, values were not altered in the power training session. Data of the present study indicate that an acute session of power training can maintain blood pressure values lower during the subsequent performance of tasks that mimic activities of daily living in older women.engopenAccessHypertensionOlder adultsPhysical exercisePower trainingActivities of daily livingamerican-heart-associationpostexercise hypotensionresistance exercisesphysical-activitynitric-oxideresponsesstrengthmetaanalysisintensityadultsLow blood pressure is sustained during subsequent activities of daily living performed after power training in older womenarticleCopyright KOREAN SOC EXERCISE REHABILITATION10.12965/jer.1734988.494Rehabilitation2288-1778