Sistema FMUSP-HC: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSPGALVAO, FlavioSEID, Victor E.WAISBERG, Daniel R.COSTA, Anderson C.LANCHOTTE, CinthiaBAPTISTA, Rachel R.NAITO, Chaib E. MunekazuARAKI, JunD'ALBUQUERQUE, Luiz A.2016-03-242016-03-242015TRANSPLANTATION, v.99, suppl.1, p.S34-S34, 20150041-1337 that Anorectal Transplantation is the Logical Treatment for Serious Anorectal Dysfunction and Permanente Colostomy.conferenceObjectCopyright LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINSImmunologySurgeryTransplantation1534-6080