Sistema FMUSP-HC: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSPBUCHPIGUEL, C. A.2023-12-042023-12-042011Buchpiguel, C. A.. PET-CT of ovarian cancer. In: . Clinical PET-CT in Radiology: Integrated Imaging in Oncology: SPRINGER NEW YORK, 2011. p.331-338.978-038748900-1 has no current role in the initial diagnosis of ovarian cancer. While imaging studies are not the basis of staging, imaging studies are often performed preoperatively (usually CT or MRI of the abdomen and pelvis) on patients suspected of advanced disease. A major advantage of PET-CT is the registered and aligned nature of the detailed anatomic images generated by the multidetector CT technology with the images of tissue metabolism possible by the PET technology. This allows for staging based on anatomic classification such as determining local extension of tumor into adjacent structures. Moreover, subtle metabolic abnormalities on FDG PET can be missed or misinterpreted as physiologic concentration of tracer, and the coregistration of the PET images with CT helps to further identify the lesion based on morphologic criteria. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.engrestrictedAccessPET-CT of ovarian cancerbookPartCopyright SPRINGER NEW YORK10.1007/978-0-387-48902-5_25